Wednesday 23 October 2013

Written notes on The Lovely Bones clip

Scene - "I'm not gonna hurt you Susie"

- No sound except dialogue at the start
- Cabin under the ground (low key lighting, lots of shadows)
- Lit up by candles
- Starts with close up of Susie's face, her face is lit up but all of the background is black
- Camera is looking down on her (high angle)
- Switches to mid shot of killer
- Most of his face is lit up with some shadowing (could be to show the trickery of him seeming to be a friendly man but then turning out to be a killer)
- His face seems very relaxed, whereas hers looks worried and scared
-  Board games
- Antiques on the walls
- Candles
- Reaches over her for drink (close up and slow camera movement)
- Knocks against toy dog (close up)
- Short, fast play of non diegetic sound (builds tension)
- Asks to leave (shows her fear)
- He refuses (constantly smiling)
- Close up of him opening drink (emphasised sound)
- Extreme close up of her eyes (shows clear panic)
- Close up of moving toy dog again (quite slow paced)
- Very clear high and low camera angles between the two characters to show power
- Rule of thirds and framing used to show underground cabin
- Takes off jacket, asks her if she wants to take hers off also
- Quickly caresses the side of her face and she immediately flinches
- Half of his face is shadowed (could be to show his darker side is now becoming clearer)
- She doesn't look him in the eye (always looking at the ground)
- Close up of picture hanging from wall (shows the detail, thought and effort put into the making of this underground room)
- He tells her she is pretty (she thanks him, still looking at the ground)
- Editing cuts between each of them (rarely in the same frame)
- Camera shoots close up of both of their faces, lingering on him
- Her facial expressions seem to become a lot more tense and frightened
- Tells her this is a special place. She agrees, stammering as she talks
- Still no non diegetic sound
- Shot of children's toys in shelves in the background
- Long silence between both characters in the scene, shows emotion through facial expressions, contrasts between them
- "I have to go" "I'm not gonna hurt you Susie"
- Another long pause
- As soon as she tries to escape, killer jumps from his seat with his facial expression changing from smug to anger
- Non diegetic music is finally introduced into the scene, fast paced and tense
- He grabs her, shows her struggle through handheld camera movement
- He is wearing dark clothes and she is wearing colour (shows difference in character roles)
- Suddenly cuts to wide shot if field above cabin, shows everything is not what it seems. (rule of thirds and low key lighting)

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